

frequently asked questions or faq

Do you do speaking engagements?

Although I do have a day job, I do speaking engagements upon request. 

How much does it cost for you to come speak?

All speaking engagements are free.  However, I would appreciate some help on travel costs. 

What is your favorite color?

This seems to be a popular question.  It is red, or blue.  They are both favorites.

Have you ever been published in any newspapers, magazines or journals?

No.  Do you know how I could?

I really like your blog, but why isn’t it updated everyday?

This blog is about my life and the thoughts that coalesce from it.  I can only write as long as there is coalescetion. 

Are you some kind of secret super genius? 

Although I only have an average size brain, that is a common misconception.

Didn’t find your question here?  Email Justin at: jmbarrett426 at gmail dot com