
March 3, 2011

the great stresses in life

I remember in 8th grade (or maybe it was 9th ) learning about the Holmes and Rahe stress scale in health class. I remember this long list of events, some horrifying, some not so horrifying. Of course they have two lists: one for adults and one for non-adults. As a non-adult, I remember being able to list a few that were going on in my life at the time, like a change in school and some that I had gone through in the past like the death of a family member.  Years later, I am not sure I would have guessed that I could have already buzzed through some of these stressful situations by this point in my life. This test is not just listed with bad events, but good and even great events. To this: over the next few months and then in the years to come I will be sharing in two of these great events – home ownership and parenthood.

One is the greatest materialist achievement for most people. The other, the greatest human achievement. They both involve stress, but they also both bring joy. I hope to share some of these events in the months and years (depending upon when blogs become archaic) to come.

For now enjoy the growing of life:

15 weeks


Alaina Beth said...

I thank you, dear friend, for posting a picture of your wife who is pregnant. Said wife told me she would send me a photo of your new house and she hasn't. Maybe remind her? :)

Also, I can't believe how teeny she still is!!! There isn't much of a belly there yet!

Jeff Barrett said...

It will be a great time! Looking forward to your writings.