It’s December. Which means at the end of the month the Bush era tax cuts will either expire, or be extended. And if any Democrat wants to be reelected I am sure we will all see the tax cuts extended. But that’s enough about what a payroll tax or estate tax would do for some, and nothing for a whole lot more.
With all this talk about where everyone’s tax money is going, it made me ponder a quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower that I heard today: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”
First, with the rising of the Tea Party, do we let tax money go toward defense, or toward people who don’t have food or shelter? Or, do we let those who cannot fend for themselves be susceptible to Darwin’s theory of evolution? Second, if we can move beyond the idea of killing off the weak, is Eisenhower right? Is the idea of ‘every gun…made’ theft from those who are hungry? Finally, can we bring justice to Eisenhower’s idea? Can we feed those who are hungry, warm those who are cold, and clothe those who are not?
Thanks for sharing that quote. I've never heard it before, but it has a true sort of ring to it.
I'm not sure I would go so far as to say every gun made, but I would be willing to say quite a few. I live in a place where people carry guns around on their person. They hike with guns and drive with loaded guns in their cars. In their huge pick up trucks using diesel gas.
So there is definitely merit. How can we channel the money and resources? I just don't know.
Great comment. I don't think Eisenhower meant just guns in general. He may have been a hunter himself. I think he was speaking to war in general.
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