
March 29, 2010

garden blog: weeds out onions in

The garden?  It wasn’t in the best condition when we started; full of weeds and covered in leaves.  The soil probably hasn’t been turned in a few years.  We had to first rake out the leaves and pine cones that had collected over the garden area.  After that, well, we weeded of course.  The dirt needed to be hoed, and then we finished up by smoothing out and distributing the dirt evenly in the garden.

It is really still to early to start planting anything.  But, green onions were on our list to be planted, and apparently they can be planted in the early spring season even with potential frosts.  They are tough seeds.  We planted a week ago.  In a couple weeks – we’ll see if the little seeds are indeed tough and can breakthrough the dirt and start sprouting.  

The Garden Before
The Garden After
Jess raking the garden
Me - tilling the garden
Our first planting, green onions

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