
November 6, 2008

just for wrecks

Enough politics, right? I agree. The rest of the media I don’t think feels the same, but here I will be taking a break from it for a while.

And where to go next? Well, to promote another blog of course. I don’t do it often, with the exception of the two blogs of note on the right column of my blog. But in reality I couldn’t resist. I’ve been consistently reading this blog for about a couple months now. I don’t read it because it’s informative, or even that it’s related to my field of work or interests. I read it because it is flat out funny.

The blog I’m promoting and saying check it out - even if you only read it once - is Cake Wrecks. It’s also a blogger site and it is totally devoted to cakes (and the occasional cupcake) from stores and bakeries that have gone completely, and utterly wrong. The blogger each day posts a couple photos and writes about them satirically. The mistakes can be as simple as using quotation “marks” in the wrong spot, misspelling words on the cake, or just making a cake that is indescribably awful looking. And then of course there are posts like November 5ths that are just well…see for yourself.

So, take a couple minutes out of your day to see the latest cake monstrosity.

Here are a few examples of the cakes on the site:

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