
October 31, 2008

go vote

I tried finding a good list of reasons to vote. I couldn’t find a good complete list without coming across at least lame stereotypical reasons like “It’s your right to vote” or “Let your voice be heard.” Frankly, if you want your voice heard there are much better ways of going about that. So, I’ve tried to make up my own list. And no promises that I don’t have my own lame stereotypical reasons to vote. Here’s a few reasons to go vote:

1. Democracy works when its citizens participate.
I.e. Democracy – noun: government by the people.

2. The issues involved probably affect you directly.
I.e. education, war, health care, etc.

3. Voting affects your neighbor.
I.e. immigration laws, capital punishment, equal rights laws, welfare, etc.

4. It does affect the outcome. Every vote counts.
I.e. Richard Nixon, not John F. Kennedy, would have become President of the U.S. in 1960 if one person from each voting place had voted differently. Or, Bush only won by 537 votes in Florida in 2000.

5. There are many reason not to vote - don’t let those discourage you from still voting.

6. It’s not just about the president. There are other important positions and issues to vote on in each election.

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