
February 5, 2008

super something

What a Super Bowl. There are so many storylines to the game. I won’t go into any of them, as most of them have been talked about on sports radio or ESPN. And honestly, I have nothing new to input to what they have already said. In my own opinion it was quite a disappointment to see the Patriots lose. As many people wanted to see the upset, how much cooler would it have been to see a perfect season from an NFL team? Yes, it has been done once before in ’72, but that was also less wins and an easier game schedule. Plus, if you were born after ’72 or just before, you have no idea what it was like to see a season like that.

It is finally ‘Super Tuesday’. I’m not sure who is gong to win on either the Democratic side or the Republican. It’s seems to be a two-way battle for both. I think on both ends though that who ever comes out on top after today will win their particular party.

Although the Super Bowl ended up being a bust. I am hoping Super Tuesday ends up with a better outcome.

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