
November 30, 2007

"The earth is the Lord's..." Psalm 24: 1-2

Manifest destiny. It is a simple term that began in the 19th century when people in the U.S. believed it their ‘destiny’ and an ‘obvious’ destiny to expand the U.S. (land, politics, culture, and all) to the further reaches of the world. This was also said to be the providence of God. Two questions arise in my head. The first: were they claiming all that land to be God’s land? Secondly, if it is God’s land then why are they taking it for themselves away from someone else? These questions don’t need to be answered however easy or difficult they may be.
If the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it why are Christians no different than non-Christians in caring and keeping the earth? Global warming is denied. Corporations are covering up spills and damages. People litter without giving a second thought. And the world’s resources are reluctantly being used without consideration of exhausting them.
I know I would want to take good care of something that is Gods. I wouldn’t want to destroy it or harm it. I want to love the earth and everything in it just as God does.

A dialogue from the Micah's Call.

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